I'm Jordyn. I'm the creator of Handplayed Handmade upcycled guitar string jewelry, and half of the harmonic alternative folk duo Flagship Romance, in which I travel & sing around the world with my amazing husband, Shawn. When we're not touring, we live & create in a little 120 year old home in Louisville, KY.
Over the years, Shawn has amassed quite a large collection of used Elixir guitar strings. I asked him to save them because I knew we would one day figure out how to upcycle them. I never imagined that I would begin a side business making & selling jewelry out of them, but I'm so grateful for this unexpected creative outlet that found me. I make every piece by hand, and find the beads/other elements around North America + Europe while we're touring. In the descriptions of each piece, you'll find that some beads were purchased, some given to me, & some bartered for.
I truly hope you'll enjoy my designs, and appreciate the fun way that we get to upcycle our guitar strings! Thank you for taking a look around my site. Love & peace to you!
XOXO, Jordyn
"There is no such thing as 'away.' When we throw anything away, it must go somewhere."
-Annie Leonard
Jordyn wearing Handplayed Handmade
Photo by Big Mood Photography